Premium Edition

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1. Premium Edition - Deluxe

The Premium Edition of Edutainment 3.0 gives you access to all of this:

Pre-order the Premium edition and get a 30% discount.

Regular price: $575. Pre-order now for $395.

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2. Premium Edition - Thematic

Or choose a Theme to unlock - you’ll get a deep dive into trends and projects relating to that theme, plus a collection of guides and toolkits to use in your work.

There are three themes available:

Pre-order the Premium edition and get a 30% discount.

Regular price: $89. Pre-order now for $59.

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<aside> 💡 Note: We also offer bulk pricing bundles for company teams. If you want your team to get full access to the Premium Edition of Edutainment 3.0, just get in touch.

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